Department of Psychological Science - PSY - 532

z-2023-2024 Catalog - COURSE - Change


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  • View changes to the proposal by clicking the Discussion tab and selecting "Show current with markup" on the User Tracking dropdown.
  • View current comments concerning this proposal by clicking the Discussion tab.
  • View the history of the proposal by clicking the Workflow Status tab.
  • View the signatures the proposal has collected by clicking the Signatures tab.
  • View the files associated with the proposal by clicking the Files tab.
  • Compare the proposal with related proposal by clicking the Proposal Lookup tab.
Help Text

    (NOTE: if the course is undergoing a substantial change (changing more than 33-40% of the course content), delete the course using a "DELETE - Course" proposal form and start a "NEW - Course" proposal form)

    If changing code, code numbers x90-x99 are reserved.  See under the section titled "Course Naming and Numbering Policy" for detail.  Only use one of these numbers if your course matches one of these categories.

  • Status "Active-Visable" field must be checked for Acalog.

  • Status*

    Click on "Import" on the top menu.

    1. In the pop-up screen that appears, select the current catalog,
    2. In field titled “or add filter” select Prefix from the drop down box; click the drop-down box for “add another filter” and select Code.
    3. In the Prefix and Code boxes that have appeared, enter the course prefix and number, respectively (e.g. STA and 205).
    4. Click “Search Available Curriculum” and the course should appear in a list.
    5. Click the course you intend to edit (or return to Step C if it was not found).
    6. Scroll to the bottom (do NOT adjust any of the check-boxes) and click “Import This Item."

    Data imported into fields should not be changed until after launching the proposal.  Directions for launching proposal are listed further down in the proposal.

    Fields with an (*) are required, any required fields that did not have data imported into them, must be filled in before you will be able to launch the form. 

  • Department*
    Courses may be owned at College level i.e. IST, HNR, MBA, INF.
  • Course Type*
  • Prefix*
    [Do not include course title] Example: APA
    [Do not include course title] Example: 100
  • Course Suffix
    (if applicable)
  • Course Title*
    Public Health
    Public Health
  • Course Description Guidelines

    Limited to 50 words

    Write the description as it will appear in the University Catalog. Course description should describe the content and be written in present tense. Do not include class activities, class requirements, or repeat the title. Those items are listed in separate fields.

  • Course Description (Maximum of 50 words)*

    This course introduces the graduate student to fundamental concepts, principles, theories, research and contemporary issues in public health, including social and behavior health sciences, environmental health, epidemiology, and biostatistics. The course will focus on the application of these scientific findings in the workplace.

  • Credits:*
    (3 credits)
    (3 credits)
    i.e. "(3 credits)"
  • Does this course require TEC approval?*
  • Course Level*
  • 5xx courses are usually Undergrad/Grad

    If you selected either the Graduate or Undergrad/Grad option above, it requires graduate approval and you must select "Yes" requires graduate approval in the next question.

  • Does this course require Graduate approval?*
  • Is course currently a General Education Course or is this to propose it as a new General Education Course?*
    Changes to general education courses must be reviewed and approved by Director of General Education Program before going to UCC for final approval.
  • If yes, select Gen-Ed course category
  • General Education Code (in title)
  • For General Education Course - Provide justification on how this course fits into the Foundation of Knowledge program?
  • Type of Change(s) (Select all that apply)
  • Proposed Course Change(s)
    Select all that apply from the following list (NOTE: if the course is undergoing a substantial change (more than 30%), delete the course using a Course Deletion form and start a proposal for a New Course)
  • If other, describe change:
  • Cross-Listing
  • A cross-listed course is one that meets at the same time and place as another course.  If you intend for this course to be cross-listed with an existing course, submit a course change form for the other course to indicate that it will be cross-listed with this course.  Do not specify that this course will be cross-listed if the other course is an x94 (topics course).  Cross-listings between a regular course and a topics course will be handled directly by the Office of the Registrar.

  • Cross Listed:
  • If Yes, enter other cross-listed Course ID?:
  • Does your Approval Process require crosslisting courses? If yes was selected, navigate to the Crosslistings tab in the Proposal Toolbar on the right; select the appropriate behavior for the crosslistings as they go through their workflow.  Click "Save Option" and answer questioins that follow.

  • Once all the above required fields have been filled in, launch proposal.  After launching the proposal you can begin entering data in the remaining fields or editing the imported or required fields.

  • Prereqs/ Coreqs / Classroom+Lab/Studio Hrs / Semesters Taught
  • Prerequisite(s):

    Admission to MSIO psychology program or consent of MSIO psychology director.

    This field is required. If there is no prerequisite, use the word “None.” If this course is numbered 3xx or higher, a prerequisite (or corequisite) is required. If it has none, this course will be rejected.
  • Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s):
  • Corequisite(s):
  • Classroom + Lab/Studio Hours
    3 classroom hours + 0 lab/studio hours
    3 classroom hours + 0 lab/studio hours
    i.e. "3 classroom + 0 lab/studio"
  • Semester Taught:
  • How does this course change strengthen the program?

    We propose changing PSY 632 to PSY 532 to allow undergraduate psychology majors admitted to the Accelerated Credit Program ("bridge") in the Department of Psychological Science to enroll in this course for undergraduate elective credit.

    Added a revision to the prereq so that the language is in line with PSY 530 [Fox].

  • For more information on Student Learning Outcomes, View Resources on the Vice Provost Assessment web page.

  • If changing Student Learning Outcomes, please check the type of change.
  • Student Learning Outcomes For Changed Courses:
    No Student Learning Outcomes For Changed Courses:
    (if course description is being changed, new student learning outcomes must be provided). Also complete box if only changing student learning outcomes for course.
  • Provide Detailed Course Topics
    Week by week description.
  • Specify Semester/Year Proposed Changes Are to Take Effect

  • Semester
  • Grading Option
  • SAP Designator
  • What is the "Primary" Delivery Method for this course?
  • Repeatable:
  • If Repeatable, Max Credits:
    99 for unlimited
  • Is there an additional fee for this course?
  • Fee Data
  • Course Changes require a justification and impact report.

    Forms submitted without appropriate justifications and/or an impact report will be returned to the proposer without consideration.

  • Justification For Course Change

    We propose changing PSY 632 to PSY 532 to allow undergraduate psychology majors admitted to the Accelerated Credit Program ("bridge") in the Department of Psychological Science to enroll in this course for undergraduate elective credit.

    (this should include any direct or indirect assessment findings that have led you to this proposed change)
  • Run an Impact Report by selecting Run Impact Report in the top menu and answer below according to the results.

  • Date of impact report
  • Courses in impact report
  • Programs in impact report
  • Have you contacted the affected Departments?
  • Please attach email notification you sent to Departments affected, by cliking the paperclip with the word File on tab to the right.

    You may also attach syllabi or any additional supporting documents. 

  • To finalize your proposal and send it on to the next approval step, you must click the decision tab on the right side of the proposal, in the decision screen, click approve and then click "make my decision."

  • User Tracking

    Help: Show Original: This option displays the proposal as it appeared at launch. No markup will be visible on the form. There will be no differentiation between fields that contain imported content and content that was created or selected by the originator by hand.

    Help: Show Current: This option displays the proposal as it appears currently. No markup will be visible on the form. There will be no differentiation between fields that contain imported content and content that was created or selected by the originator by hand.

    Help: Show Current with Markup: This option displays the proposal with all of its current content marked to show different editors. Text fields that include imported content are indicated by a blue highlight, and may also include additional changes within, indicated by each editor’s unique color. Fields containing selects, checkboxes, radio buttons, or widgets (such as the curriculum) provide an activity log above the field, indicating each editor’s selection and unique color.


    You have not saved your changes to all the assessment fields you edited. You have the following options:

    • Click "Save All Changes" now to save every change you made
    • Click "Abandon Changes" to destroy all unsaved changes
    • Click "Cancel" to continue working on assessments and save each field individually

    What would you like to do?

      You must be logged in, in order to approve.

      Please upload the form that you just printed and signed.

      This will be used as your signature to sign this proposal upon approval.

      Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculum:

      • = has not made a decision
      • = approved
      • = rejected
      • = held
      • = suspended
      • = cancelled
      • = multiple decisions
      • = task
      • = mine
      • = stuck
      • = urgent, out of date import source







