24-09-26 CASCC Agenda
- Proposals:
- 8
- Created:
- 18 Sep 2024 by Michael Bush
24-10-10 CASCC Agenda
- Proposals:
- 8
- Created:
- 01 Oct 2024 by Michael Bush
24-11-14 CASCC Agenda
- Proposals:
- 9
- Created:
- 29 Oct 2024 by Michael Bush
- Proposals:
- 1
- Created:
- 13 Jan 2025 by Hallie Sylvestro
UCC agenda 1/16/25
- Proposals:
- 6
- Created:
- 08 Jan 2025 by Richard Fox
24-09-26 CASCC Agenda
Agenda Information
NKU CAS Curriculum Committee
Agenda for 24-09-26 (Meeting time: 3:15 – 4:30, Zoom/Email)
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes for 24-09-05 meeting
- Chairs Report
- CASCC is still looking for a secretary. Please let me know if interested.
- Curricular Items
- Removal of expedited status (see list below)
- Normal Items (new courses, substantive program changes, general education items)
- Special Items (new programs/minors/certificates, etc.)
- All Remaining Expedited Items
List of Curricular items eligible for expedited vote:
BIO 409 (term)
BIO 460 (term)
BIO 460L (term)
BIO 461 (del.)
BIO 461L (del.)
Organizational Leadership, B.A. (descr., req. courses, hrs., electives)
ARTA 210 (term, pre-req., co-req.)
ARTR 373, 374, 375, 473 (add SLOs to dep.)
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
- No Proposals Selected
24-10-10 CASCC Agenda
Agenda Information
NKU CAS Curriculum Committee
Agenda for 24-10-10 (Meeting time: 3:15 – 4:30, Zoom/Email)
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes for 24-09-26 meeting
- Chairs Report
- Please let me know if anyone is interested in serving as secretary.
- Curricular Items
- Removal of expedited status (see list below)
- Normal Items (new courses, substantive program changes, general education items)
- Special Items (new programs/minors/certificates/tracks/etc.)
Engineering Physics, B.S. (new track)
- All Remaining Expedited Items
List of Curricular items eligible for expedited vote:
English (min. grade change for ENG, CW, PW, CS minors)
EGT 480 (term)
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology, B.S. (electives)
Art and Design, B.F.A. (req. courses, electives)
ART100, 135, 140, 291, 315, 317, 450; ARTA 210, 311, 412; ARTC 240, 340, 341, ARTD 210, 310, 410, 317; ARTE 280, 380, 381, 382; ARTH 100, 101, 304, 321, 332, 349, 355, 358, 359, 360, 452, 454; ARTM 331, 350, 360, 450, 451, 460: ARTO 210, 310, 312, 410, 415, 416, ARTP 230, 330, 333, 430; ARTR 272; ARTS 262, ARTS 360, 460, ARTV 101, 201, 215, 217, 315, 317, 325, 330, 415, 417, 425, 427, 428, 430 (SLO's for depository)
Chinese Studies Minor (del. w/ teach-out)
German Minor (del. w/ teach-out)
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
- No Proposals Selected
24-11-14 CASCC Agenda
Agenda Information
NKU CAS Curriculum Committee
Agenda for 24-11-14 (Meeting time: 3:15 – 4:30, Zoom/Email)
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes for 24-10-10 meeting (24-10-31 meeting was cancelled due to technical difficulties)
- Chairs Report
- Last meeting for fall 2024 semester.
- Curricular Items
- Removal of expedited status (see list below)
- Normal Items (new courses, substantive program changes, general education items)
- Special Items (new programs/minors/certificates, etc.)
- All Remaining Expedited Items
List of Curricular items eligible for expedited vote:
CHE 320 (co-req)
CHE 482L (pre-req)
MUSE 307 (title)
MUSM 341 (term & pre-req)
MUSM 353 (term & pre-req)
MUSM 441 (term)
MUSM 480 (term)
Mechatronics Engineering Technology, B.S. (req. courses)
ARTV 427 (pre-req)
German with Teaching Certification, B.A. (del. w/ teach-out)
German, B.A. (del. w/ teach-out)
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
- No Proposals Selected
Agenda Information
Email ballot sent out on 1/15. No meeting held on 1/20 for MLK Day!
- No Proposals Selected
UCC agenda 1/16/25
Agenda Information
This will be an email vote only. If you want to see the minutes of our last meeting prior to our next meeting, you can find them here (these are minutes from the 12/5/24 email vote): Minutes
We should meet at our next regularly scheduled meeting, February 6. Please remember that we have some deadlines coming up. It is too late to have any new programs approved for the fall. For course changes and new courses that you plan to have in your summer or fall schedule, they must be approved through the UCC by March 6. All other items that impact the fall catalog must be approved through the UCC by March 27.
- No Proposals Selected
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- = has not made a decision
- = approved
- = rejected
- = held
- = suspended
- = cancelled
- = multiple decisions
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- = mine
- = stuck
- = urgent, out of date import source